Dark Chapters
11.6.2016 - 10.9.2016
Curators: Margarethe Makovec & Anton Lederer
This overview of nine artistic positions concludes a series of several exhibitions in which < rotor > has examined the construction of history, with special attention given to contemporary history. These are “Dark Chapters” that are thematized in the individual artworks, from the beginning of the First World War until the first time nuclear weapons were used. If one bears current political developments in mind, one might think that further dark chapters will be opened in the future. Then again, the fact that the artists participating in this exhibition defy the seemingly codified course of history in their projects might serve as a spark of hope.
Participating artists:
Max Aufischer, Nemanja Cvijanovi?, Mounir Fatmi, Douglas Hoagg, Volodymyr Kuznetsov, Olson Lamaj, Tatiana Lecomte, L?rinc Borsos, Josef Schützenhöfer
Graz, June 2016