Public spaces
04. | Maze with aquarium
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  • 2003, aquarium, glass, water, fishes, carpet.
    Exhibition view of 2nd international contemporary art meeting, 2003, Canary Islands.
    Courtesy of the artist and Ceysson & Bénétière, Paris.
    Ed. of 5 + 1 A.P.

'' The fish in the aquarium give us the image of a world divided into compartments by borders and all kinds of barriers.

The public are led to think about such notions as space, movement and exile. ''

Studio Fatmi, March 2003

  • Maze with aquarium
    Exhibition view of 2nd international contemporary art meeting, 2003, Canary Islands.
    Courtesy of the artist and Ceysson & Bénétière, Paris.

  • Maze with aquarium
    Exhibition view of 2nd international contemporary art meeting, 2003, Canary Islands.
    Courtesy of the artist and Ceysson & Bénétière, Paris.


Au milieu d'un aquarium de trois mètres de long, l'artiste a installé un labyrinthe en verre avec deux sorties, l'une à droite, l'autre à gauche qui permettent aux poissons de passer d'une extrémité à une autre.

L'idée de créer un espace à l'intérieur d'un autre répond à une volonté de casser une monotonie liée à la forme même de l'aquarium en proposant une "équation" à déjouer, un "problème" à résoudre. Le labyrinthe multiplie effectivement l'espace de l'aquarium, le fait de chercher son chemin ouvre autant de possibilités de déplacements.

Les poissons dans l'aquarium nous renvoie l'image d'un monde compartimenté par des frontières et des barrages de toutes sortes. Cette proposition pousse le public à s'interroger sur la notion de l'espace, du déplacement et de l'exil.

Le labyrinthe nous fait oublier l'aquarium qui symbolise le manque d'espace bien plus que la complexité du labyrinthe, car c'est bien l'aquarium qui est clos et sans issue.

Studio Fatmi, Mars 2003.


In the middle of a three metre (about 3 yd) long aquarium, the artist has installed a glass maze with two exits, one on the right, the other on the left, making it possible for the fish to swim from one end to the other.

The idea to create a space inside another one derives from a will to break the monotony due to the very shape of the aquarium; this can be achieved through the solving of an "equation" or a "problem". The labyrinth does indeed increase the space within the aquarium; the fact that one has to look for a way to get through generates many possibilities of movement.

The fish in the aquarium give us the image of a world divided into compartments by borders and all kinds of barriers. The public are led to think about such notions as space, movement and exile.

The maze makes us forget the aquarium which symbolizes the lack of space in a much better way than the complexity of the labyrinth, for it is the aquarium which is closed and which offers no exit.

Studio Fatmi, March 2003.