


12. Ghosting
  • Ghosting, France, 2011.

''mounir fatmi comes up against time, the issue of the past and, of course, that of the subsequent future, and he does so as if he were laden with memory.''

Thierry Raspail, Ghosting, 2011

Pour commander le livre : Presses du Réel


Ghosting est publié suite à la Xe Biennale de Lyon. 

Préface de Thierry Raspail

Textes de Lillian Davies, Michèle Cohen Hadria, Thomas Boutoux, Barbara Polla. 


Bilingue Français/ anglais. 

conception graphique 
Ali Ekber Celik, mounir fatmi


Studio Fatmi Publishing. 
288 pages, 16,5 x 23 cm, parution octobre 2011. 




To order the book : Presses du Réel


Ghosting is published following the Xth Biennial of Lyon.

Foreword by Thierry Raspail

Texts by Lillian Davies, Michele Cohen Hadria, Thomas Boutoux, Barbara Polla.


Bilingual French / English.

graphic design
Ali Ekber Celik, mounir fatmi


Fatmi Publishing Studio.
288 pages, 16.5 x 23 cm, published in October 2011.