


10. Without History
  • Sans Histoire, Musée National Pablo Picasso, Vallauris, 2007-2012.

''As a whole, mounir fatmi’s work can be defined as an ‘aesthetisised’ collection of all contemporary forms of violence: terrorism, intimidation policies, religious indoctrination and the domination by the liberal free market.''

Paul Ardenne, Without History, 2007

Pour commander le livre : Epuisé

Sans Histoire a été publié à l'occasion de l'exposition mounir fatmi, Sans Histoire, au musée national Pablo Picasso, La Guerre et la Paix, Vallauris sous le commissariat de Maurice Fréchuret. 

Texte de Paul Ardenne.
Publication bilingue: français et anglais

conception graphique 

Les Editions de L'art
24 pages, 15 x 21 cm, parution janvier 2012. 



To order the book : Sold Out

Without History was published on the occasion of the exhibition mounir fatmi, Without History, at the National Museum Pablo Picasso, War and Peace, Vallauris under the curatorship of Maurice Fréchuret.

Text by Paul Ardenne.
Bilingual publication: French and English

graphic design

Les Editions de L'art
24 pages, 15 x 21 cm, published in January 2012.