
11. Megalopolis
  • Megalopolis, Istanbul, 2011.

''mounir fatmi moves towards a similarity in form, of course he utilises a well known, popular form,

however only when we think of the overwhelming energy carried through the cables do we realise that this is not imitation but seizing power.

Instead of inventing new forms he grasps the power within the available form, and uses it, displays it.''

Ali Akay, Megalopolises, 2011

Pour commander le livre : Epuisé

Megalopolis a été publié à l'occasion de la première exposition monographique à la Fondation AKBank Sanat à Istanbul.

Texte d'Ali Akay.
Publication trilingue: anglais, turque et arabe.  

conception graphique 
studio fatmi

AKBank Sanat
156 pages, 30 x 30 cm, parution juillet 2011. 



To order the book : Sold Out

Megalopolis was published on the occasion of the first monographic exhibition at the AKBank Sanat Foundation in Istanbul.

Text by Ali Akay.
Trilingual publication: English, Turkish and Arabic.

graphic design
studio fatmi 

AKBank Sanat
156 pages, 30 x 30 cm, published in July 2011.