


04. mounir fatmi, Black Screens
  • Semaine 46.05, revue hebdomadaire pour l'art contemporain n°74.

''What secrets does this black screen hold? Beyond this extremely esthetic work, a reflection emerges on the meaning we give to images we capture, keep, erase and project.

On this black screen, the viewer can project his own images, hopes and fears.''

Julie Crenn, Africultures, 2011

Pour commander le livre : Epuisé 


La revue Semaine N°74 est consacrée à mounir fatmi à l'occasion de son exposition personnelle au centre d'art contemporain de Istres en 2005.

Bank galerie, Paris
Shoshana Wayne gallery, Los Angeles 

• Texte de Bernadette Clot-Goudard

Parution vendredi 11 novembre 2005



To order the book : Sold Out 


Week N ° 74 is dedicated to mounir fatmi for his solo exhibition at the Istres Center for Contemporary Art in 2005.

Bank gallery, Paris
Shoshana Wayne gallery, Los Angeles

• Text by Bernadette Clot-Goudard

Release Friday, November 11, 2005