
Public spaces
54. Darkening Process
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  • Darkening Process, SFpublishing 2024

''Darkening Process is based on three projects about the idea of the Other: towards literature, figures and scientific experiments. The first project The Journey into Shame is in honoring John Howard Griffin,

the white American writer and journalist, born in 1920, known for his fight against racial discrimination and best known for his book ‘Black like Me’.''

Mostafa Aghrib, January 2016

  • Darkening Process
    SFpublishing, 2024
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • Darkening Process
    SFpublishing, 2024
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • Darkening Process
    SFpublishing, 2024
    Darkening Process SFpublishing, 2024 Courtesy of the artist.

  • Darkening Process
    SFpublishing, 2024
    Courtesy of the artist.


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"Ce catalogue a été réalisé à l’occasion de l’exposition Darkening Process de l’artiste marocain Mounir Fatmi au MMP+, Marrakech, du 30 janvier au 30 mai 2016.

Darkening Process s’appuie sur trois projets autour de l’idée de l’Autre : vers la littérature, les figures et les expériences scientifiques.

Le premier projet The Journey into Shame regroupe les œuvres The Darkening Process et As a Black Man rendant hommage à John Howard Griffin, l’écrivain et journaliste blanc américain, né en 1920, connu pour son combat contre la discrimination raciale et surtout pour son livre « Black like Me ».

Le deuxième projet est The Blinding Light. Pour ce projet, Mounir Fatmi s’inspire du tableau de Fra Angelico, La guérison du diacre Justinien, qui représente Saint Damien et Saint Côme, deux frères d’origine arabe greffant une jambe d’un homme éthiopien au diacre Justinien.

Le projet Qui est Joseph Anton ? L'exposition présente l'écrivain britannique Salman Rushdie, qui a utilisé le pseudonyme Joseph Anton, inspiré des deux prénoms de ses écrivains préférés — Joseph Conrad et Anton Tchekhov — pour continuer à vivre et à écrire.

Enfin, l'exposition présente Border Sickness et The Beautiful Language, deux corpus d'œuvres respectivement basés sur une performance de l'artiste lui-même, et sur le film L'Enfant sauvage, du cinéaste français François Truffaut."

Marrakech, Janvier 2016



To order the book : Amazon


"This catalogue was made on the occasion of the exhibition, Darkening Process, by Moroccan artist mounir fatmi, at MMP+, Marrakech, from January 30th to May 30th, 2016.

Darkening Process is based on three projects about the idea of the Other: towards literature, figures and scientific experiments.

The first project The Journey into Shame includes the bodies of work The Darkening Process and As a Black Man honoring John Howard Griffin, the white American writer and journalist, born in 1920, known for his fight against racial discrimination and best known for his book “Black like Me”.

The second project is The Blinding Light. For this project, mounir fatmi is inspired by the painting by Fra Angelico, The Healing of Deacon Justinian, which depicts Saint Damian and Saint Cosmo, two brothers of Arab origins grafting a leg from an Ethiopian man to Deacon Justinian.

The project Who is Joseph Anton? features British author Salman Rushdie, who used the pseudonym Joseph Anton, inspired by the two first names of his favorite writers — Joseph Conrad and Anton Chekhov — to continue to live and write.

Finally, the show includes Border Sickness and The Beautiful Language, two bodies of work respectively based on a performance by the artist himself, and on the movie The Wild Child, by the French filmmaker François Truffaut. "

Marrakech, January 2016