Public spaces
52. A matter of perception
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  • A matter of perception, SFpublishing 2024

''A series of circular bandsaws bearing Arabic calligraphy are suspended, reminiscent of a system of cogs or gear mechanism.

The images projected onto the wall around the sculpture show architectural construction in the Middle East, creating an intense cinematic environment.''

Nilo Amlashi, October 2019

  • A matter of perception
    SFpublishing, 2024
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • A matter of perception
    SFpublishing, 2024
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • A matter of perception
    SFpublishing, 2024
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • A matter of perception
    SFpublishing, 2024
    Courtesy of the artist.


Pour commander le livre : Amazon


"Ce catalogue a été publié suite à l'exposition personnelle de l'artiste mounir fatmi A matter of Perception à la station de métro Skanstull à Stockholm en 2019.

Du 1er octobre au 31 décembre, le film Les Temps modernes, une histoire de la machine de 2010 de mounir fatmi est projeté.

L'orientation artistique de mounir fatmi s'articule autour de trois domaines : l'architecture, le langage et la machine. Grâce à l'interaction entre les trois éléments de la calligraphie arabe, de l'art contemporain et de la langue écrite dans Les Temps Modernes, une Histoire de la Machine, la capacité du spectateur à associer des symboles entre eux est testée.

Dans la continuité du film Les Temps modernes (1936) de Charlie Chaplin, il existe également des associations avec la révolution industrielle et des réflexions sur l'avenir et la société machinique."

Nilo Amlashi, Octobre 2019



To order the book : Amazon


"This catalogue was made on the occasion of the exhibition A Matter of Perception by Moroccan artist mounir fatmi, at Skanstull Metro Station in Stockholm in 2019.

During the period 1 October - 31 December, mounir fatmi's film Modern Times, a History of the Machine from 2010 is shown.

mounir fatmi's artistic focus is based on three areas: architecture, language and the machine. Through the interaction between the three elements of Arabic calligraphy, contemporary art and the written language in Modern Times, a History of the Machine, the viewer's ability to associate symbols with each other is tested.

In line with Charlie Chaplin's film Modern Times (1936), there are also associations with the industrial revolution and thoughts about the future and machine society. "

Nilo Amlashi, October 2019