Public spaces
47. Breaking the Cycle
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  • Breaking the Cycle, mounir fatmi, SFpublishing, 2023

  • Rompiendo el Ciclo, mounir fatmi, SFpublishing, 2023

''My work aims to create spaces for reflection and awareness,

deconstruct pre-established patterns, and encourage critical and independent thinking. I believe that new technologies have the potential to generate other new ideologies.''

mounir fatmi ITW by Soledad Bescós, Diario de Mallorca, June 2023

  • Breaking the Cycle
    SF Publishing 2023
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • Breaking the Cycle
    SF Publishing 2023
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • Breaking the Cycle
    SF Publishing 2023
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • Breaking the Cycle
    SF Publishing 2023
    Courtesy of the artist.


Pour commander le livre : Amazon


La exposición es una reflexión sobre la necesidad de romper con los patrones preestablecidos, los hábitos y los ciclos repetitivos que a menudo nos gobiernan sin que seamos conscientes de ello. A través de las obras expuestas, se nos invita a explorar cómo el acto de romper estos ciclos puede conducir a la toma de conciencia y a un cambio significativo. Al romper este ciclo, el artista nos anima a salir de nuestra zona de confort y explorar nuevos horizontes, a considerar diferentes perspectivas, a ver el mundo desde un nuevo ángulo; La exposición es una profunda reflexión sobre las contradicciones de la sociedad contemporánea, una llamada a la acción, un incentivo para reflexionar sobre todos esos acontecimientos que cambian nuestra vida cotidiana sin que nos demos cuenta.




To order the book : Amazon


The exhibition is a reflection on the need to break from pre-established patterns, habits and repetitive cycles that often govern us without our awareness. The pieces presented in “Breaking the Cycle” invite viewers to explore how in breaking conventional cycles, we are rewarded with awareness causing a meaningful change of perspective. By “Breaking this Cycle”, the artist encourages us to get out of our comfort zone and explore new horizons, to consider different perspectives, to see the world from a new angle. The exhibition is a deep reflection on the contradictions of contemporary society, a call to action, an incentive to reflect on all the events that change our lives daily.