Public spaces
13. Keeping Faith, Keeping Drawing
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  • Keeping Faith, Keeping Drawing, mounir fatmi, SF Publishing, 2020

  • Garder la Foi, Continuer à Dessiner, mounir fatmi, SF Publishing, 2020

''mounir fatmi’s drawings might still remain confidential, they are nonetheless fundamental.''

Barbara Polla, November 2019

  • Keeping Faith, Keeping Drawing
    SF Publishing 2020
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • Keeping Faith, Keeping Drawing
    SF Publishing 2020
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • Keeping Faith, Keeping Drawing
    SF Publishing 2020
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • Keeping Faith, Keeping Drawing
    SF Publishing 2020
    Courtesy of the artist.


Pour commander le livre : Amazon


"Les dessins de mounir fatmi, s’ils restent encore confidentiels, sont fondateurs. Car si l’artiste est connu et largement reconnu pour ses grandes installations, ses sculptures et désormais aussi pour ses vidéos et ses photographies, il dessine depuis toujours. Non seulement il dessine depuis toujours – certains dessins datent de 1995, 1996 et si l’artiste, souvent saisi par l’autocritique, en a éliminé un grand nombre – mais ceux qui restent, particulièrement précieux, nous parlent des thèmes fondamentaux du travail de mounir fatmi : les ciseaux, la coupure, celle du cordon ombilical, de la langue et du langage ; l’amputation, la rupture culturelle, la nécessité de refaire lien pour survivre ; la greffe enfin, physique, corporelle, culturelle."


Barbara Polla, Novembre 2019




To order the book : Amazon


"mounir fatmi’s drawings might still remain confidential, they are nonetheless fundamental. The artist is widely renowned for his large-scale installations, his sculptures and now also for his videos and photographs, but he has always been drawing. Not only that – some of his drawing date back to 1995 and 1996, but the artist, often critical of his own work, has discarded many of them – the ones that remain, therefore particularly precious, touch upon the fundamental themes in Mounir Fatmi’s work: scissors, cutting, whether of the umbilical cord or of the tongue and language; amputation, cultural rupture, the necessity to create new connections in order to survive; and finally transplants, whether physical, bodily or cultural."



Barbara Polla, November 2019