Public spaces
09. The Day of the Awakening
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  • The Day of the Awakening, mounir fatmi, SF Publishing, 2019

''The Day of the Awakening is inspired by the title of an installation by mounir fatmi. Its epigraph, simple and enigmatic,

acts as a metaphor for an artistic work that constructs visual spaces and linguistic games.

In this way, his work offers a view of the world from a different perspective, avoiding the blindness provided by conventions.''

Juan Guardiola, December 2019

  • The Day of the Awakening
    SF Publishing 2019
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • The Day of the Awakening
    SF Publishing 2019
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • The Day of the Awakening
    SF Publishing 2019
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • The Day of the Awakening
    SF Publishing 2019
    Courtesy of the artist.


Pour commander le livre : Amazon


                                         Al Tiba9


L'exposition rassemble une série d'œuvres de l'artiste marocain mounir fatmi qui explorent les fondements de l'histoire et de la nature sociale, exprimés à travers l'écrit et par différents types de langage: religieux, politique, idéologique et artistique. Au total, 20 projets entrepris de 2002 à aujourd'hui sont présentés, composés de centaines de pièces d'une variété de disciplines telles que le dessin, la photographie, la sculpture et la vidéo. Le discours de The Day of the Awakening se concentre cependant sur deux projets principaux: The Index and the machine et Out of History.

The Day of the Awakening est inspiré du titre d'une installation de mounir fatmi, qui a participé de première main à la création de cette exposition. Son épigraphe, simple et énigmatique, agit comme une métaphore d'une œuvre artistique qui construit des espaces visuels et des jeux linguistiques. Son travail offre une vision du monde sous un angle différent, évitant l'aveuglement procuré par les conventions.

Juan Guardiola, directeur du CDAN (Centro de Arte y Naturaleza), Huesca, Espagne




To order the book : Amazon


                               Al Tiba9


The exhibition brings together a series of works by Morrocan artist mounir fatmi which explore the foundations of history and social nature, expressed through the written word and by different kinds of language: religious, political, ideological and artistic. On display are a total of 20 projects undertaken from 2002 to today composed of hundreds of pieces from a variety of disciplines such as drawing, photograph, sculpture and video. The discourse of The Day of the Awakening focuses however on two main projects: The Index and the machine and Out of History.

The Day of the Awakening is inspired by the title of an in-stallation by mounir fatmi, who participated first hand in the creation of this exhibition. Its epigraph, simple and enigmatic, acts as a metaphor for an artistic work that con-structs visual spaces and linguistic games. In this way, his work offers a view of the world from a different perspecti-ve, avoiding the blindness provided by conventions.


Juan Guardiola, Director at CDAN (Centro de Arte y Naturaleza), Huesca, Spain, December 2019