Public spaces
40. | Constructing Illusion
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  • 2014-2015, 150 x 45 x 75 et 50 x 50 x 75 cm,steel, mirror and wood.
    Exhibition view from Permanent Exiles, MAMCO, 2015, Geneva.
    Courtesy of the artist and Ceysson & Bénétière, Paris.
    Ed. of 5 + 1 A.P.

'' But in reality, artists, by constructing their images, their works of art, encourage us more than anything

to reconsider the world with a different point of view and to reflect upon illusions. ''

Barbara Polla, April 2015

  • Constructing Illusion
    Exhibition view from Permanent Exiles, MAMCO, 2015, Geneva.

  • Constructing Illusion
    Exhibition view from Permanent Exiles, MAMCO, 2015, Geneva.

  • Constructing Illusion
    Exhibition view from Permanent Exiles, MAMCO, 2015, Geneva.


Construire des illusions : on pourrait croire c’est ce que font les fabricants d’image, ces femmes et ces hommes que l’on appelle artistes… Mais en réalité, les artistes, en construisant leurs images, leurs œuvres, nous amènent avant tout à reconsidérer le monde d’un point de vue différent, et à nous interroger, sur l’illusion.

Construire des illusions : on pourrait croire que c’est ce que fait, sans discontinuer, notre cerveau. Qui stocke de milliards d’images, dans des circonvolutions profondément enfouis dans les cryptes de nos mémoires, puis les reprennent, les mélangent, les recomposent, pour nous offrir, en rêve, mille réalités qui n’en sont pas. Mais en réalité, notre cerveau, comme celui des artistes, est capable tout autant de reconnaître, de critiquer et de déconstruire ces illusions, ou de les chérir, comme telles : illusions.

Construire des illusions : c’est ce que font les marchands du temple, les marchands d’argent, de drogues, de pouvoir et de religion. Des illusions qui, entre leurs mains, perdent la douce résilience des rêves aimés, et se prétendent réalités. Réalités aussi rigides que sans fondement, aussi irrévocables qu’inexistantes, aussi meurtrières parfois qu’elles sont fragiles.

Barbara Polla, avril 2015.




  Constructing illusions: one could think that’s what manufacturers of images do, these men and women called artists… But in reality, artists, by constructing their images, their works of art, encourage us more than anything to reconsider the world with a different point of view and to reflect upon illusions.

Constructing illusions: one could think that’s what our brain does continuously. It stores billions of images, deeply buried within the convoluted crypts of our memories, then retrieves them, mixes them up and recomposes them in order to bring us, in our dreams, a thousand realities that do not exist. But in fact, our brain, just like the brains of artists, is just as capable of recognizing, criticizing and deconstructing these illusions, but also of cherishing them for just what they are: illusions. 

Constructing illusions: it’s what the merchants of the temple do, merchants of money, drugs, power and religion. Illusions that, in their hands, lose the soft resilience of beloved dreams and pretend to be reality. These realities are in fact as rigid as they are groundless, as irrevocable as they are inexistent, and sometimes as deadly as they are fragile.

Barbara Polla, April 2015.