Side effects
09 / 21 / 2021
08 / 18 / 2017
02 / 10 / 2016
10 / 23 / 2015
05 / 14 / 2015
09 / 28 / 2015
05 / 11 / 2012
03 / 14 / 2011
03 / 30 / 2009
01 / 26 / 2010
03 / 09 / 2008
01 / 30 / 2004

Important notice

''In his creative process, Mounir Fatmi uses a variety of media and materials, and appropriates objects at hand, in attempt to question their materiality and attributed function.''

Elena Stanciu, PETRIe, April 2016
If art is a market,
let us try not to be vegetables.
Si l'art est un marché, évitons d'être des légumes.
If everything is light, I will go towards light.
Si tout est lumière, j'irai vers la lumière.
If everything is dust, I will go to the end of dust with thirst and desire.
Si tout est poussière, j'irai jusqu'au bout de la poussière avec soif et désir.
Will understand well, who will understand the last.
Comprendra bien qui comprendra le dernier.