Public spaces
15. | Between the lines / Multiple n.15
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  • 2010, Steel saw blade, 40 cm diameter.
    Courtesy of the artist.
    Ed. of 15 + 2 A.P.

'' Between the Lines challenges mystical and religious notions of the unity of God, delving into the meanings of dogmas while exploring the interplay between language, religion, and critical thought. ''

Studio Fatmi, March 2010

  • Between the lines / Multiple n.15
    Courtesy of the artist.

  • Between the lines / Multiple n.15
    Courtesy of the artist.


Collection of Dalloul Art Foundation, Beirut


Pour commander une édition :


« Between the lines » est le multiple n.15.

Le multiple « Between the lines », realisé en 2010 et en édition limitée, est composé d'une petite lame de scie circulaire aux grandes dents pointues, décorée sur sa surface de motifs calligraphiques d'écriture arabe classique, découpés avec précision dans de l'acier poli aux reflets brillants.

« Between the lines » remet en question les notions mystiques et religieuses de l'unité de Dieu, en approfondissant la signification des dogmes tout en explorant l'interaction entre le langage, la religion et la pensée critique.

L'œuvre d'art, à la fois outil et création artistique, est artistiquement tordue, symbolisant des dualités telles que la construction et la destruction, l'élégance et le pouvoir. Malgré sa puissance, l’objet succombe au passage du temps, acquérant des traces d’oxydation comme une écriture évolutive.


To order an edition:


"Between the lines" is the multiple n.15.

The multiple "Between the lines", created in 2010 and in limited edition, is composed by a small circular saw blade with large sharp teeth, decorated on its surface with calligraphic motifs of classical Arabic writing, cut with precision out of polished steel with gleaming reflections.

"Between the Lines" challenges mystical and religious notions of the unity of God, delving into the meanings of dogmas while exploring the interplay between language, religion, and critical thought.

The artwork, both tool and artistic creation, is artistically twisted, symbolizing dualities such as construction and destruction, elegance and power. Despite its might, the object succumbs to the passage of time, acquiring traces of oxidization like evolving writing.