09. Prize and nominations


''Fatmi’s art frequently concerns itself with networks and cross-cultural interactions, while highlighting the potential for violence embedded within them, as well as their fragility.

Sometimes these interactions occur within cultures as well, as when Fatmi talks about his complicated relationship with Morocco, where he was born.''

Alan Gilbert, The Brooklyn Rail, October 2017

2020 Altai Biennale, Silver Plane Prize, Moscow

2014 Victoria & Albert Museum, Shortlisted Jameel Prize 3, London

2011 12ème Biennale du Caire, Prix de la Biennale du Caire, Cairo

2006 7ème biennale de Dakar, Grand prix Léopold Sédar Senghor, Dakar
Stichting kunstprijs Willem F.C., Uriôt Prize, Amsterdam

1998 8th International video festival , Prix de la création vidéo, Îles Canaries
16ème festival vidéo art, Prix spécial du Jury ex-æquo, Estavar-Llivia
3ème festival international du film nouveau, Mention spéciale, Split

1997 4ème festival art vidéo, Prix du public, Casablanca

1995 ZKM, International Videokunstpreis Nomination, Karlsruhe

1994 2ème Festival arabe de la vidéo, 1er prix, Casablanca

1993 3ème Biennale de la jeune peinture, 1er prix, Casablanca